OUR Word of the Year: Connect


Welcome to ETP’s goal series! For the month of January, we’re releasing a new goals-related blog post each week. Sign up here to get notifications about all our new blog posts.

For the last few weeks, we’ve been trying to pick the perfect word.

I personally choose a word each month, so the thought of picking a word for the whole year — I immediately felt the pressure. There’s an added weight. This word has the potential to shape the year or define it. Surely I’m not the only one who feels this way?

Here’s what we decided: The pressure’s off. We put enough pressure on ourselves, already. What if our goals for this year and word for this year were really opportunities to better steward what we have. Now of course there are some things we want to try or do, but for the most part, what if we actually dedicated time to taking good care of what’s in front of us. We get to control where and how we invest our time. So let’s do it.

With a fresh approach, we tossed around a few ideas that felt like they would make the most sense for ETP.

Play — play more, planning play, work and play, small play, play routine, play together, etc.

Progress — taking intentional steps, celebrating small wins, improving communication, delight in the process, etc.

We even considered qualities or character types like resilient or intentional, free, and joy.

There was one word that kept resurfacing and that was CONNECT.

Did you know we’re the only species that have neural structures in our brains to engage the way we do? Social interaction is critical to our survival. Simply put, we need one another. And when it comes to our children, the most important things any child needs at any stage in their development is “connection, presence, and affection” (Tangeman, 2021).

With this in mind, here are 3 ways we can connect this year. Per usual, our approach is rooted in action and being proactive, so we’ve also included monthly, weekly, and daily rhythms for us to implement. We can make a difference, one intentional connection at a time.

Here’s to slowing down, making every playtime count, and taking intentional steps to connect.


When we’re eating breakfast. Getting ready. When we’re on a family walk. When we’re taking them to gymnastics or sports practice. When we’re in the car to run errands. A weekend outing. A quiet time of conversation. When we’re at the dinner table. When we’re putting them down to bed. We want to use the mundane and make it meaningful.


  • Make time for fun traditions, a seasonal craft or activity

  • Tackle an age-appropriate milestone goal like increasing communication, sleep training, solid foods, weaning, or potty training

  • Face-Time a far away family member


  • 3-5 sit down meals together

  • Weekend Reset — Pull out your planner or notepad. What’s one step you can take towards your home, food needs, and heart that will be life giving for your week ahead.


  • Laugh together!

  • Read a book as a family.


I took a Positive Parenting Solutions course recently and they shared a similar message we’ve been trying to communicate from the beginning here at ETP. I was so excited, I couldn’t wait to share it with you. The whole premise is that by setting aside 10-15 minutes a day with our kids, we aren’t just telling them how much we value them, we’re showing them! The most important part is that it needs to happen regularly.



  • Channel your inner child and have fun

  • Get outside and do something active together (take a walk, ride bikes, visit the park)


  • 15 minutes a day of fully-focused play time! Ask your child what they would like to do during your special time together. Even if it’s not your favorite, try your best to go along with it.

  • Tell your children how much you love them.


You’ve probably heard the saying by motivational speaker, Jim Rohn: “You're the average of the five people you spend the most time with”. I think he’s right. The people and community we surround ourselves with will have an impact on how we live and the progress we make on our goals. Like you, I want to make good choices! It’s worth the effort to find ways to spend time with people who are going in the direction you want to go.


  • Join a moms group, play group, or attend a group story/music time class

  • Host a dinner, game night, or book club at your house


  • Call a mom friend to offer encouragement or seek advice

  • Whether you need a pep in your step or if you prefer to go at it alone, know that ETP is here to help you go further with your child’s learning and communication. Check-in with us if you’re looking to achieve a specific language goal! It’s so much better when we grow together!


  • Check-in with a friend.

  • Smile at someone.

  • Give a compliment.

  • Be quick to listen.

Do you have a word for the year? Share it below!

And thank you for being here with us in 2024! — Brooke