Beyond the Milestone Chart: Celebrate Your Child’s Unique Journey


When you were pregnant…

Did you download an app to track your baby’s development? Maybe you personalized it to show your baby’s size compared to a pastry or a fruit—like the size of a croissant at 23 weeks. From the moment our babies are born, we measure and capture every detail: weight, length, and that first unique little footprint.

But the tracking doesn’t stop there. We capture monthly photos with numbered place cards so we can see the miracle of how quickly they change. We put together a baby book to document the growth and moments of their first year. We collect photos and videos and moments of the first tooth, first words, first steps, and that first sunset on the beach.

But as much as milestones are meaningful, your child is so much more than any chart.

YouR child is more than a MILESTONE

If you’re reading this, you might be searching for a speech and language milestone chart. We’ll break it down into three key areas below: receptive language (understanding), expressive language (self-expression), and social language (communicating with others). These milestones are from the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) & can be found here. They offer a helpful guideline, but they are just that—a guideline.

Now that you’ve seen the charts…

Here’s what we want you to remember: Milestones don't tell the full story of who your child is. Developmental milestones represent what most children can do by a certain age, but children grow and learn at their own pace. If your child hasn’t met one or two milestones, it doesn’t necessarily indicate a problem. If there are significant delays, it’s worth consulting a pediatrician or speech-language pathologist.

Milestone or Average?

One question we often get from parents is, “How many words should my child be saying?” This is where things can get tricky. For speech therapists, we look at the average number of words, not just the milestone count. By 18 months, most toddlers are learning an average of 2-5 new words per day!

But word count alone doesn’t give the full picture. We also look at how your child understands (receptive language), expresses themselves (expressive language), and interacts with others (social language). These elements combined give us a clearer view of your child’s communication development.

The Comparison TRAP

It’s so easy to compare your child to a sibling, a friend’s toddler, or even a milestone chart. But what if we shifted that perspective? Instead of focusing on how they measure up, focus on learning about your child.

  • What is their personality like?

  • How do they like to play?

  • What are their strengths and interests?

  • How can you support them and build on what they already love?

By understanding your child’s unique qualities, you can guide their learning in ways that a milestone chart never could.

A tool for growth, not comparison

At the heart of it, our Play by Play bundle is designed to do just that—help you elevate your child’s language development through play, without getting caught up in comparisons or charts.

We purposely don’t include milestone numbers because we believe your child’s growth isn’t something that can be neatly measured on a graph. It’s seen in the moments you share, the little victories, and the new words they surprise you with every day.

Your child’s journey is unique, and no chart can measure the love, learning, and laughter that happens at home.


If you ever feel that something isn’t quite right with your child’s communication development, trust your instincts. You know your child better than anyone. Talk to your pediatrician, reach out to early intervention services, and advocate for your child’s needs. Rather than “wait and see,” take the “check and see” approach.

Remember: milestones matter, but so does celebrating everything your child can do.

Let's keep moving forward—one play at a time.



You’ve got options!

  1. Get the confidence you need to use everyday toys and routines to strengthen your child’s communication with our Play By Play Bundle.

  2. Download a a mini daily routine guide on us! 

  3. Not ready to invest in the Play by Play guide? Check out the shop for individual toy guides.

  4. Get a jumpstart and put in the practice with our 31 Days of Play calendar. 

  5. Take our popular Play Day Challenge. 7 days. 7 practical strategies. Right to your inbox.