5 steps to simplify Your Play

Don’t overthink it


If you’re over complicating things. If you somehow keep finding yourself in the same place. I’m here to tell you, it’s not rocket science.

You’re not stuck. You can move forward. You can start today.

Sometimes we have to push aside the fear. Fight defeat. Plan a few tasks. Schedule time on our calendar. And follow through with what we say we will do.






Ready to get to it? Check out the 5 steps below and see what resonates with you most. Which one are you going to try tomorrow?! This week?!

5 steps to simplify your play:

  1. Schedule in free time or down time to play in your calendar.

  2. Plan something fun to look forward to. It could be big. It could be small.

  3. Plan something fun to do together as a family. Movie night, game night, or walk in the neighborhood.

  4. Individual time with each child: For 10 minutes, play whatever they want to play without any interruptions. Work it into your normal day or aim for 2-3x a week.

  5. Connect with a friend. Text another mom and plan a play date.

Are you looking for an even simpler plan for play that makes you feel free and isn’t complicated? 2 things need to happen: Take a look at your schedule and see how you’re spending your time and then ask yourself, what can be reduced or eliminated to get the results you’re looking for. You’ll have a good idea about what to do from there!

If you haven’t read it already, we have a blog post on how to make time to play where we share 20+ ways to be intentional and make it happen. It will give you more ideas!

If you’re looking for support to increase your child’s language skills and communication, we’ve curated only the information you need to make it happen.

We’d love to hear how this goes for you! Tell us where you’re feeling stuck or how you’re taking action on what you’ve learned! — Brooke