10 Functional Words to Help Your Toddler Communicate Effectively


If you could only use 10 words, what would they be? 

There’s no trick or wrong answer here. In fact, if we all made a list, we likely would find there are many words we share in common and others that might differ. After all, the words we use to communicate are based on our family, our wants and needs, and our unique interests.

So what’s the point? Why does this matter?

Today we want to encourage you to start thinking intentionally about modeling functional words for your child. This is especially true for toddlers that are communicating with few words.

We want to give our children the words they need to help make their communication more effective. We like to refer to these as functional words or power words. They’re everyday words that can be used in many situations or daily activities. 

Here’s a general list of 10 words for the early years we like to start with:

  1. Go

  2. Up

  3. Eat

  4. Help

  5. All done/stop

  6. More

  7. On

  8. Open

  9. Me

  10.  Play 

Think about it this way:

When communication is effective, it makes life easier for you (less tantrums) and for your toddler (less frustration). 



Grab a paper and pen or use the notes app on your phone:

  1. What words does your child currently use? Write them down.

  2. Using that list, circle the words that are used to effectively communicate a want or need? Are any of the words we listed above used?

  3. What 10 words might you like to teach your child next? Hint: Use the list above or consider any of your child’s special interests.

“Imagine we're sitting down together on your living room floor. Together, we're creating a list of words that are used frequently and often in your home and with your family.” — Excerpt from the ETP Play Guide

If you’re looking for more support when it comes to the words your child uses, we have a few handy, interactive worksheets and checklists to guide you. Use the category prompts or jump right to the power word list of 50+ words to help you get started. The best part is, you get to pick the ones that are right for your child and family!

Grab the play guide today to not only increase your child’s vocabulary, but to help you know the RIGHT words to use!