What makes our play guide different?

Launch day for our updated play guide, The Play By Play is coming soon!  Around this time there’s always a lot of excitement as Spring is here and Summer is near! We are so thrilled to get this into your hands as we welcome these new seasons of life.


For those of you who are already play guide users. Thank you for sharing with your friends!

You may be asking what’s so different about Elevate Toddler play? Or what’s so special about this play guide? Maybe you’ve dismissed the idea simply because it doesn’t seem necessary.

While we’re not saying our play guide is for everyone, there’s so much to it that makes it worth far more than a new toy, the latest trendy subscription, or the price you pay in a month for your cup of coffee. It’s purposefully created to help you play with your child and increase their language skills.

Katie H. recently said that when she started using hers, “all of it together is so comprehensive and really all you need.”

If our play guide could make that kind of impact in your life too, we want you to know it. So today, we’re giving you a look behind the scenes to help you discern whether it’s worth the cost.

We’re not a video course AND HERE’S WHY.

Did you know that only 5-15% of people who purchase an online course actually complete it? Are we the only ones that find this to be a little sad and maybe even a waste of money? It’s one thing to watch a video. It’s another to actually implement and practice what you learn.


Let’s be honest.

If finding the time or making the time to play with your child(ren) is already difficult, do you really have 4+ hours to watch a video about it? Even if you have 10 minutes here and there, what matters more? Watching a video or spending quality time with your children? We think the latter.

To show you it’s possible, we put together the perfect little resource to get you started and we’re sharing it for free!



We want you to get playing with your children right away! We give you the play ideas, the prompts, and the strategies we actually use in speech therapy for you to get going.

Think about your grandma’s recipe for her famous pie. It’s tried and true. You pull from the ingredients you have in your kitchen and you refer to the recipe along the way to help you know what to do.

The same is true with our play guide!

The strategies offered are time-tested methods backed by research, pediatricians, teachers, and parents. You pull from the toys you already have in your home and by using the play prompts, you’ll know exactly what to play and words to model for teaching your child foundational language concepts.


We admit, our play guide is loaded with information. But we’ve organized it to be the most practical play tool you’ll use. The design itself is aesthetically pleasing, but minimal. We stay away from a lot of patterns and photos to keep your mind free from distraction and focused on your next step.

It’s divided into 3 parts:

  1. The Toy Guide Collection — This section walks you through 10 toys, each with play prompts, developmentally appropriate concepts, and functional vocabulary to build your child’s communication and language skills.

    Toys include: Farm, bubbles, blocks, house, vehicles, dolls/stuffed animals, nesting + stacking, kitchen + food, and musical instruments.

  2. The Strategies — This section helps you get strategic with play. It’s the “behind the scenes” information we know you’ve been looking for. We share our top 10 tips for creating effective ways to promote verbal interactions and increased understanding of early concepts. Here’s the good news: you can implement these any where, at any time, and with any toy or daily routine.

  3. Play Resources — From interactive checklists and reflective worksheets to a series of journaling prompts, we help you start, stay on track, and reflect on your progress. There’s enough prompting to guide you and enough blank space to help you customize your experience.

Simply put, the information has been carefully curated to be everything you need. At the same time, the information can be used independently while still maintaining its effectiveness!

We help you follow through.

We dedicate a lot of time to not only educating you, but to encourage you to follow through. With every blog post + email (that’s where you can find our best content!), we give you action steps, words to model, or thoughtful questions to help you apply what you’ve learned and be motivated to keep going!

One of the biggest ways we’ve tried to invest in you is through our play guide — 3 section ebook packed with lessons on how to increase your child’s language skills. When you choose our play guide, know that you’ll have every thing you need, but we’ll still be here to bring the encouragement and tools to point you in the right direction.

Here are some of your favorite topics:


You are the biggest part of everything we’re doing around here! Can we just take a minute to encourage and affirm you?

You’re the most important person in your child’s life.

You can make a real difference in your child’s language development.

You know your child best.

You have what it takes.

We’ll say it now and we’ll say it again…

Children communicate with the important people in their lives. THAT’S YOU!

As parents, you are their first teacher and have more opportunities to interact with your child in meaningful play and every day situations than a therapist does.

We get to create moments filled with connection, communication, and meaning. It starts with us. It starts in our home.

We consider it a total privilege to come alongside you in this good work. Know that we’re cheering you on!

There you have it! Do yourself a favor and release yourself from the stress of what to play, what to say, and how to help your child increase their language skills. We’ve done the work for you and we’re here to guide the way.

We’d love for you to go ahead and take the leap! Grab your play guide and start today!