Elevate Toddler Play

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2023 Game Changers


Welcome to Elevate Toddler Play’s goal series! For the month of January, we’re releasing a goals-related post each week. Sign up here to get notifications about all our new blog posts.

Every year, I personally like to take note of things that changed my life. Since beginning ETP, we thought it would be fun to share a few things that changed our life and also a few things that we’ve seen change the way children communicate. Most of them are small, some a perspective, and others are practical. Here’s this year’s list — in no particular order, except number 1!

  1. PLAY

    Okay, you had to know! ;) Play is such an important part of our lives! Play is also essential to a child's growth and development. It’s the foundation for success in other areas of life too. I know it may not seem like a big deal, but IT IS.

    I’m about to get a little nerdy here. 🤓 There’s research proving how play helps your brain! When you play, your amygdala has time to process emotions. It helps your prefrontal cortex make decisions. It stimulates the hippocampus which enhances memory and learning.

    There are so many benefits to play, but if you want a short list when it comes to your child’s language and communication, check out the Why Play Matters post!


    I first heard this phrase from Jess Connolly and it stuck with me. The name given is intended to rephrase the way we approach cleaning or taking care of our home, namely the mundane and the tasks that aren’t fun.

    Laundry is now a service. Errands are a reminder of provision. With every small act we do for our home, we’re creating a space for our family to thrive and live.

    This year, pick one day of the week and claim it as your “Lady of the House day”. Get everything done that needs to be done. The tasks you’ve been putting off. The areas that need to be put in order. You’re the lady of house and you bring so much to your family!


    This app was so fun and simple to use. I love a good project and sometimes it’s hard to keep up with all the tasks that need to be done. With this, Christin and I were able to organize, track, and easily work our way through every action step until it was completed.

    If you haven’t found a way to stay on track, meet deadlines, and organize your tasks, check this out!


    I don’t know if you have a spot on your living room floor, a play room, or a designated corner with a blanket, but I have loved gathering 3-4 toy options and then getting on the floor with my girls. Here’s what the game changer is: What toy do they go to first?

    By following their lead, I began to learn what interests they had. My oldest daughter chose puzzles, blocks, and legos while my youngest enjoyed little figurines, babies, and the toy kitchen. They both enjoyed art like watercolor, coloring, and play-doh.

    This is the fun part. The next time you play together, follow their lead and take note! What makes them laugh? What do they respond to? What interests them and what doesn’t? We hope you’ll find delight in simply getting to know your child and connecting with them.

  5. Dinner around the Table

    Every dinner may not have been perfect, but we never regretted the time we sat around the table together. After giving thanks for our food, we like to give each person a compliment or tell them something they did that we appreciated. It’s just the best — to hear these kids and their little voices sharing, “I like that you play with me” or “that was so funny!”

    In general, it’s really a sweet time to affirm each other. So first we offer a compliment and then we ask if there’s anything they’d like to talk about. Are you happy or sad about anything? And last, we try to have fun. Dinner carries over into desert or a short game. It’s usually, LIFE, Sleeping Queens, or charades. (And ice cream with sprinkles.)

    I really encourage you, if you don't have a regular family dinner, it’s been so sweet. We look forward to it and love that it brings our family together.


    What might you or your little ones actually get excited about? When you're in the midst of life, it’s easy focus only on work or get into an “I’m too busy” mindset. This year, we really tried to prioritize fun and play. We scheduled the “must-do’s”. in our calendar, but then we scheduled the fun activities we would look forward to!

    The point is this: Find what can make connecting and learning fun for both YOU and your littles. I promise you, it makes a huge difference!


    You all loved this 7-day Daily Routine Series — so we had to include it! If you’re the not-really-into-play type or you’re limited on time, this could be a game changer for you. Adding language to the daily rhythms you already are doing make for quick learning opportunities and no pressure teachable moments for your children.

    This year, learn how to incorporate early vocabulary and concepts in every day routines. We make it easy for you!


    I don’t always do this, but it’s a goal of mine to “put my home to bed”. This looks like doing a general tidy before calling it night. I may not feel like it and it may be the last thing I want to do. But having a clean kitchen, the countertops cleared, and the toys put away helps me live and think more clearly. In the morning, it helps me start the day well.  Yesterday isn’t carried over into today and I’m not trying to play catch-up. Instead, I get to live and move in today.

    Pro-tip: Have a defined place for everything. It will help you stay tidy. You actually end up creating more work for yourself if you don’t. Bags and backpacks and keys need a place. Dirty laundry goes in the hamper. Toys have their bins and baskets. Books, their shelf. Etc. You’ve got this.

If you enjoyed this little list of favorites, then you’ll love our monthly ETP family newsletter! You can sign up for it here. — Brooke


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